Microsoft Powerpoint 11 Mac Alt Text For Graphics

General PowerPoint Tips • Don't change things like bullets on each slide - use the Slide Master! • Try not to read exactly what's on the slide, but expand on each point. • Print the Notes Pages to keep track of what you want to say on each slide. • Check your spelling! • Know how to move back and forth between slides without exiting the show (right-click on the slide to bring up the navigator, use Alt+Tab to move between the show and a web browser). • Use hidden slides to have information ready “just in case”.


• Know what your last slide is – blank, “Questions?”, contact info, etc. – and when it’s coming! • If you see a PowerPoint you like, figure out how they did it. • Break your presentation into recognizable sections (use a visual trigger to help people know you are moving on). Resources for General Tips • • (what NOT to do!) • General Presentation Tips • Know your equipment if possible; arrive early and test it. • Bring back ups (jump drive, CD, printout, etc.). Autocapitalize on mac for text. • PRACTICE out loud!!

Download the best PowerPoint templates, backgrounds, graphics, diagrams, infographics and plugins for Microsoft® PowerPoint® from PresentationPro. PresentationPro was started in 1993 in Atlanta, GA building high end custom presentations for some of the world's largest and most successful companies. Join Claudia McCue for an in-depth discussion in this video, PDFs from Microsoft PowerPoint (Mac), part of Acrobat DC Essential Training.

How To Create Alt Text For Images


• Speak loudly and clearly with enthusiasm and make eye contact with the audience. • Ask audience questions to make sure they are with you (if appropriate). Resources for General Presentation Tips. There are several basic design principles when creating a PowerPoint presentation.

Remember, the most important important thing is readability and content, not flair! Backgrounds and Colors • Have a consistent color scheme throughout your presentation. • Contrast text color with background color - • Test colors on projected screen if possible, as it may look different than your monitor. • Lighting in the presentation room may effect how much contrast is displayed. • If the background has lines (such as a legal pad background), make sure the text lines up - otherwise, don't use it! • Negative space (space without content) is a good thing! Bullets, Fonts, and Text • Limit text to 5 or 6 words per line, 3-4 bullets per slide.

What Is Alt Text For Images

• Use concise wording, and elaborate as you speak. • Depending on your content, you may want a different slide for each main point. • • Try to stick with 22 point fonts or larger. • People often use serif fonts for titles and san-serif for the bullets. • Use fonts that are easy to read – avoid script fonts or ALL CAPS! • Be consistent in your use of headline or sentence capitalization for the titles and bullets. • If you want to center the text, don’t use bullets.